Get A loan

with rates starting at just 4%

Don’t sell your crypto, borrow against it.

Get A Loan

What does that mean?

  • MCB offers loans collateralized by your crypto assets. What does that mean? Well, we give you loan in fiat and you give us (BTC), (ETH) as security for repayment. It’s really that simple.

Crypto Backed Loan

  • Keep ownership of your Crypto Coin and access dollar loans with MCB. Crypto-backed dollar loans do not create a taxable event and the interest paid may be tax deductible.

Secure Wallet Account

  • Secure Your Coins With MCB Secured Account. You will never loose your coin when you forget your private keys to your wallets. With MCB Account No Private Key Required.

Process to get A Loan

How do you request a loan?

Sign up and verify

Create an MCB Secured account and complete identity verification

Loan Customization

Select your borrowing amount & submit your loan application

Deposit Coin

Send coin assets to your MCB Secure Wallet Account

Get Funding

Once approved, receive cash directly to your account.

Supported Assets

Get cash, keep your crypto using a variety of supported Coins As collateral options.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin Cash

Lightning Network

Bitcoin Gold

Litecoin Testnet


Tether USD





Ether Classic

Get A Loan